In case you aren’t on Facebook you may not have heard that we are doing our MS Auction this weekend. I can’t believe how well it’s going – way beyond what I thought! The amount of goods that came is in so impressive – a big HUGE thank you to all of you who donated items – this auction would not have been what it is without each one of those items. If you aren’t able to bid but would still like to donate you can do so directly through clicking this button .. and , just so you know – there may be a thank you gift randomly given to someone who donates … that’s all I’m going to say about that 😉
So – my yarn-y fibre abilities have taken another step this weekend. I’ve often dreamed of being able to offer dreds that were handpainted in BOTH pink and purple (thinking of you Katie) instead of adding in pink and purple dreds seperately – you know? So – this morning while the boys were enjoying some treats (thanks ladies) I Google and I Learned how to do it – so easy. Anyhow – I’m quite proud of these dreds – I’ve always thought this was so hard to do and avoided it .. but look at these! Weekends are generally hair dying day at chez Platt – today I did up 14 skeins. It’s easier to dye when the weather is good like it was today – I can have all the windows in the house open to ventilate well and the sun is the best yarn dryer in the world.
So – this is my weekend – tomorrow I hope to spend the whole day in the yard .. my heaven.. I’ve got about 20 gals here that need faces and some very pale legs that need some sunshine.
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