We’ve had a crazy couple of days here in Cobble Hill. There was a big dump of snow, crazy winds and then followed by a big rainfall..fun times! We lost power for about 20 hours which was kinda cool. We have a big woodstove in the basement so moved the beds downstairs, cooked dinner on the stove and played Scrabble by candle light. I wouldn’t want to do it for more then a couple of days though. I keep thinking about getting a generator and some kind of emergency kit together in case the big ‘E’ happens. We keep saying that we’ll do it next weekend, but just end up having breakfast at White Spot instead.
I’m working on a new batch of dolls for this Friday. I have 2 boys, a small baby and I hope 3 gals. Jasper has been especially needy the past week so it’s been hard to work but I’ll try to get them done in time.
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