Where have you been?


This picture has nothing to do with this post. It was taken yesterday morning – I couldn’t resist showing you all. So, Ben’s doll , ‘Tofu’  is now almost 3 years old and Jasper’s , ‘Ash’,  is about a year old.

This is almost embarrassing – it’s been SO long since I last blogged. I’ve thought of it many times, but my life has been pretty uneventful  – I feel as though I’d bore you all with my ramblings about my days. It would go something like this – wake up/kids to school/dolls/pick up and hang out with kids/dinner/dolls/sleep/repeat. The sleep part in my day is my only variable.

Well, it does feel like something has happened to Bamboletta in the past 4 weeks or so. Things feel like they’ve just gone up a notch  – you know? The interest in the dolls has skyrocketed – it’s been amazing. Every time I open my email there are a dozen new messages from people asking about where they can find a doll. You can’t believe how excited John and I are about all this – now it’s just figuring out how it’s all going to ‘work’.. the constant juggling of family, work and home. The home is the definite loseWeight Exerciser right now – you should see my laundry pile.. my mother would cringe if she saw the state of it.

This may be a good time to let you know what is happening with the ‘re-opening’ of custom dolls on December 15th. On that date, the custom doll option will be available in a limited number. It’s a pretty high number, but there is a limit on it. Once the spots are filled, I will close the custom dolls down until January 4th. From then on I will accept new custom doll orders once a week – again, this will be a limited number. I will still have ready to go dolls available each week as well. I’m not set on a day of the week yet, I’ll let you know when I figure this out. This will ensure that I don’t go over the amount of dolls we can make in a month.

I’m thinking it will take a few days to fill up the custom spots  (John says a few hours!). Anyhow – we are then going to ‘close shop’ from December 21st until January 4th. TWO weeks! I need time with my family and also to sit down and map out what we will be doing in the upcoming year – I’d love to make a business plan! I’m not sure we want to get too much ‘bigger’ – I love the size that we are at right now because it allows me to be so connected with all of you- I don’t ever want to loseWeight Exercise that, it feels like a very special thing we’ve got going on with each other. 😀

Okay – I best go now – I have 10 faceless dolls waiting for their eyes to go on!







19 responses to “Where have you been?”

  1. Alicia Avatar

    So exciting & Congrats! All the best to your family as you get some much needed rest soon too.
    Can’t wait to see where you are at this time next year,
    I would love to have a cuppa tea with you and fold your laundry. 🙂

  2. Stacy Avatar

    Whoo hoo! Great update! It is exciting to see all this going on for you and your family. I am so glad I got a couple of dolls before the madness really got going. Hopefully, I can still get a custom for my son though… The dolls are so cute and irresistible! Keep up the great work and enjoy the rest in December…you have earned it! 😀

  3. Amber Avatar

    I’m so glad to hear about all the interest in your dolls. Your success is richly deserved, and I am happy to see it. All of the care and attention you pour into these children’s toys is amazing – I really believe that it makes such a difference to the children who are lucky enough to have them. Like the love is just in the dolls.

    I don’t know how quickly your spots will fill up, but I know I will be stalking you on December 15. I have a little girl who will be 5 in February, and I NEED one of those spots!

  4. erin Avatar

    hey lovely – nice to “see” you back here again, and those sweet little impish faces! xox

  5. laura Avatar

    Oh, we would LOVE to get a custom spot…I know my little girl would be so delighted. Your dolls are simply magical!

    I hope you will tell us what time to check for the spots opening on Dec 15!

  6. ingrid Avatar

    I’m with John. I don’t think you even realize how many people are just chomping at the bit waiting for the customs to open up again! I give it 12 hours (and only because then your Aussie friends will also be awake to add to it:)!

  7. Cara Avatar


    I am so excited for you!!! You and your dolls are so special….We have 1…Tabitha, which Vivianrose will get for Christmas, but I already have a plan in my head for Tabitha needing “friends” multicultural ones 🙂 I am hoping for 1 more doll for under the tree…and then adding about 3 more in the coming months…they are just to special not to own….Amazing job you do!!

  8. Shannon Avatar

    Wonderful! Your dolls deserve every bit of this intensified interest. My son ADORES his doll, and has taken him on hikes in a baby carrier and gets ready for bed with “Pete” every night. He’s been great to have around throughout our transitions this fall, and the love and care that went into his creation just radiates.

  9. Kristie Avatar

    Sorry if this is a duplicate, I was typing my message and must have pressed the wrong button and the screen switched.

    I was wondering how the custom ordering is done when you start taking orders again, do we press a button for a custom order, pay, and describe the dream doll? (just so I don’t miss the boat).

    Also, I had seen a sweet kimono shirt on one of the recent 15″ dolls (Leoni to be specific), is that a fabric that is available after your Christmas Rush?

    Last question, I recently read somewhere you don’t have your elf who made the baby dolls anymore, does that mean they won’t be available as a customs either, if not, that is ok, I though my litte girl would be best having one of those but as I’ve seen her playing with my (i’m ashamed to say) loved but toxic 30yr old cabbage patch kid dolls and she is so loving and gentle with them, stroking the hair and bashing our faces with the dolls hard heads to give kisses – lol.

    Please don’t rush on answering as I know how busy you are (but before Dec.15th would be greatly appreciated). Once again, your work is stunning, I’m not surprised they are so popular, the love and intention they are made with radiates from their sweet little faces! Thanks for your time.

  10. Sandi Avatar

    I am so excited by the growth you’re experiencing- even in the six months I’ve been following your site, I’ve noticed a huge increase. We love our Bamboletta dolls, and I’m so happy that you will be continuing to make them while staying connected with your customers. Enjoy your holidays!!!

    PS- excited for New Moon? 😉

  11. Allison Brunette Avatar
    Allison Brunette

    I do agree that the initial re-opening of customs will go quickly, since the interest in doing a custom is building while you are closed to them…then once that initial rush gets through, I predict (and hope for your case), that it will settle to a manageable level. We’ll be doing on a bit later in the new year…first I want to give my girls their first Bamboletta! CANNOT wait!!

    Enjoy your break next month. EVERYONE needs a break and some quality family time!

  12. melissa Avatar

    it’s nice to see you back in blogland! i can only imagine how crazy/busy things must be for you right now!
    i am glad to hear you’ll be taking a well deserved break over the holidays, enjoy your time off!

    i am so glad that your business is taking off, it is completely deserved as your dolls are just amazing. i got my daughter’s doll out yesterday (i’m knitting it a little vest as part of her christmas present) and immediately fell in love with her all over again. i’m glad to hear you’re doing what you have to do to keep things manageable on the business front, the last thing we’d want is for you to to feel even more overwhelmed.

    congratulations again on all your success and take care.

  13. Alison Avatar

    Christina, there is NO one on this earth that deserves the interest, love and adoration that you and your exquisite Bambolettas receive. Good people like you are soo hard to find, and your business success is a heartwarming thing for our family to see and be a part of. We’re glad that you don’t want to expand too big, as we think that that may take away some of the specialness and personal love that IS your business.

    Enjoy your 2 week break with your family, and don’t even think about the dolls. You deserve some downtime and time to reread/relisten to Twilight and New Moon!!:)

    Congratulations on your wonderful success!!

  14. victoria Avatar

    Thanks for taking a moment to connect with all of us Bamboletta doll lovers again. My girls and I have missed reading about your adventures. Your day sounds similar to ours. Okay, so we’re not making beautiful dolls, but we create everyday (usually it’s a mess we create). Happy sewing and enjoy your family time.

  15. jen Avatar

    Girl – I think you are doing GREAT – plugging along just right. Take it slow girl – building a business that is solid – it takes time and planning to catch the ebbs and flows – and you are ROCKING it right now. Leave them wanting MORE – just a hint.

    Hugs and love and luck and all of that junk – oh and wine – always wine


  16. Monica Avatar

    It is a special thing Christina….you and yours make amazing dolls and your success is hard earned. ♥ This has been so much fun for me to watch…I’m sure living it is especially exciting!

  17. Monique Avatar

    Christina! love the pic of your boys with their dolls- so adorable! hope you are all doing well cause I know you are definitely busy- miss you lots!

  18. Ashley Avatar

    Lovely to see you back here even just for a quick blog update!

    I am so very happy to see such success for your business…good karma radiates out from this place and you of all people deserve it!! You do amazing things and all the while make each and every one of us, your fans, feel special and like you had us in mind for each doll you’ve made. I cannot tell you just how special it is to see our daughter snuggle up to her doll Orly and love her so and for me to know 100% that she is playing with something made with love and that in no way is going to pop up on some toxic toy list.

    It is fun and exciting to watch the wonderful mayhem that has happened with the dolls as of late! I cannot imagine what it is like on your end but even those of us not looking for another doll right now enjoy every bit of it!! =) That being said we are really looking forward to adding more Bambolettas into our home and hope to do so in the near future…no one can resist these sweeties, I swear!

    Congrats on all of your success and enjoy your very well deserved break in late December!!

  19. sangeeta Avatar

    Congratulations on your success,That is so wonderful.It seems bitter sweet—but you totally deserve this.Your dolls are beautiful.You need a Personal assistant esp to write yr blogs!(Hehehehe)You can always send that my way and I can type it for you.
    Btw Ash and Tofu look very happy and content.Have a wonderful break if I don’t talk to you before that!

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