Month: February 2012
Wednesdays in the shop..
Snapping pictures of our Wednesday. Typically on Wednesdays myself and Rachel are still on the cozy chairs .. I’m doing eyes and she’s working away on her stuff. Shauna cuts hair and blushes the dolls. Brandi with Jennie does the shipping for the clothing upload the day before and Thamar, Nicole, Kristin and Brooke are…
Tuesdays ..
I’m trying to do this every day this week .. here’s some pictures from a typical Tuesday here at Bamboletta.. Rachel and I are basically glued in our seats for two days only breaking to make tea, eat and go to the bathroom. I work on getting all the faces done and she works on…
Any Given Monday ….
I just thought it would be fun to share shots from our Monday .. First thing in the morning we put together the bodies and match up hair to create the doll ‘packages’ that the sewing mama’s will collect and put together. Big ‘Pile ‘o’ Hair’ … Some sewing mama’s picking up and dropping off…
Serendipity Doll – Sonja
Little Sonja is just so huggable – she just wants to really give you a some love! I love the little peaks of colour in her hair. If you are interested in buying Sonja please leave a comment at the end of this blog post! She costs $220 plus shipping. One entry per household please.…
Serendipity Doll – Ginger
I just think this doll is so sweet. I’ve been doing this hair combo for about 9 years now – I just love it. We just got this cherry print fabric (that is on her dress) in this week and I love how sweet and spring-y it is. It feels like it’s been a long…
Three Days Later …
I’m in tears right now reading your sweet, amazing and supportive comments on my last post. Even though Brandi said that all the comments were good – I still felt a tad chicken to go on and read them. The decision to raise my prices was so incredibly hard for me to do and I…