Category: Uncategorized

  • Twelve Days of Giving – Day One!

    It’s back! Our third annual ‘Twelve Days of Giving’ where we give away a little something something every day for 12 days .. in celebration of the holiday season! Who doesn’t love a giveaway? Make sure to check in each day to see what the day’s giveaway is .. let the fun begin! Today’s giveaway…

  • New Shop Opening Soon!

    I’ve been showing pictures here and there of our new wee retail shop that we are opening up – it’s been a month of putting up shelving, painting and general puttering around. Now we are pretty much ready to go, so, without further ado, our official opening date will be DECEMBER 1st! We will be…

  • Staying Connected

    I know, I know I keep gripping about how much Facebook as changed for the worse. It pains me to get emails from customers saying that the don’t ‘see’ us anymore and miss certain things ,like our photo contest, because we don’t show up in Facebook feed anymore. See, Facebook has changed things for businesses.…

  • ‘Available Products’ = Another Step

    I’ve been waiting for this for a few years now. What, may you ask? Available Products! Chances are now when you go to the shop you will see some dolls there waiting for homes. I love seeing dolls there, just waiting for someone to stumble upon there and pick one up. The past few years…

  • Help Us Decorate!

    As many of you know we are opening up a little shop. I spent the day there today with my dad putting up shelving and assembling some Ikea bits and pieces. It felt like playing store, sort of a dream come true for me as I used to play store all the time when I…

  • Bamboletta Cleaning Tips! By Alicia Verdier

    A while back I asked our long time customer and friend Alicia to write this post. Alicia is quite the stain removal wizz and our ‘go to’ gal when we get frantic emails from customers about something happening to their doll! Thank you so much Alicia for this! xo I cannot count the number of…